Maingron Zelda
Maingron Zelda is a game I was developing. I try to make it look and feel like The Legend Of Zelda: Links Awakening. You can see some screenshots and a Demo of the game below.
Development for this version has been aborted. There will be another version eventually.
But first: If you want to help the project, here is how:
You can either donate so I can pay someone for creating sprites and soundtracks or
you can create sprites and soundtracks yourself and send them to me.
Currently I am looking for sprites, which look like those from The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening, but are custom ones and
I'm looking for custom soundtracks.
Specifications for sprites are 32x32, though they should be as 16x16-styled as possible.
Soundtracks have to be in midi format. If you need more information or want to help, contact me.
Play the Tech-Demo:

The history and all that stuff about the game:
This is my first "real" game. I already developed MainOS before and I even tried to develop some Jump and Run games, at which I failed.
What will be released with the final game:
Aside from the actual game there's a book planned, which contains history, developer comments and sketches.

I extended the first Dungeon and added some features to the engine. Also I changed the blue floor color to green.
I've added the first version of a Midi music engine to the game.

This is what a Zelda BluRay from Maingron could look like.